A few days ago, a colleague and myself were invited to take part in a local school tour for International Women in ICT Day. We visited the island's four primary schools with the intention of enlightening the young girls on island to the endless opportunities in the world of technology. Nerissa Golden (the Director of Information & Communication at the Premier's Office) influenced the young ladies to explore different ways in using ICT to help others, while I took pride in presenting them with a variety of applications that architects and graphic designers use to communicate design concepts.

It was a load of fun interacting with all of the girls. The truth is, I had never presented to anyone in this age group before, so it was initially a challenge for me to reduce the scope of the presentation's content in terms of technical jargon, as well as it's time frame. I was also a bit apprehensive because I wasn't quite sure how many of our young female minds may actually be interested in the field of design. To my surprise, they all paid keen attention to both of our presentations and some even admitted to being attracted to discipline! I was even told yesterday evening, that some of the girls had already downloaded the program Google Sketchup (which I had mentioned in the presentations), and had started designing their future homes! How awesome is that?
Needless to say, I was quite impressed with their little minds and I'm eager for the next round of presentations on the upcoming career day!
(Link to the article on the event:
(Photos are courtesy of GIU:
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